FPOs & Rural Enterprises

Empowering Rural India With Biomass

With large-scale agricultural activities underway in our country, massive amounts of farm waste consisting of roots, stubble, and stalks are generated every year. Seasonal farming has a very short time interval, so fields must be cleared as soon as possible to fit in as many crop cycles as possible to improve the yearly yield from the land.

Farmers tend to clear the fields of agricultural waste by setting it alight, causing air pollution and soil degradation. There has been no real financial incentive to do otherwise.

Ironically, this agricultural waste can be transformed into briquettes and pellets to form biomass which can then be burnt to heat boilers and run turbines. Alternatively, a gaseous fuel called Compressed Biogas (CBG) can be produced which is a good substitute for natural gas and can be used as fuel for automobiles and in heating applications.

If this enrichment of agri-waste into biomass-based fuel happens closer to the source (fields), the transportation expenditure is substantially curtailed. Through focussed initiatives enabled through BiofuelCircle’s digital mechanisms such as Biomass Bank, farmers through Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) or any such rural enterprises, can gain access to the requisite knowledge, technology, and consumers, and set up agri-waste processing units in the rural areas themselves close to their fields. Such activities will significantly enhance the market value of the waste, which will now be sold as biomass.

Benefits of Biomass Enterprise Creation in your villages

  • The solution to stubble burning and efficient agri-waste collection mechanism
  • Compliance with government directives of not burning agri-waste and preventing air pollution
  • Additional income generation opportunities for farmers by selling their agri-waste
  • Profit-generating enterprise opportunity
  • Generation of local jobs through the enterprise
  • Additional income generation opportunities by renting unused capacities of tractors, farm equipment, or space for warehouses
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BiofuelCircle Supports Creation Of Biomass Enterprises

Active participation in awareness programs designed to educate farmers & FPO members about the immense potential of agri-waste in generating biofuels.

Engagement in specialized training & capacity-building initiatives to empower FPOs with the requisite expertise & knowledge in biomass collection, storage, & processing activities.

Access to dedicated enabling infrastructure such as rental post-harvest farm equipment & transport that streamlines waste collection, & storage & facilitates efficient biofuel production.

Leveraging BiofuelCircle’s extensive market linkages to ensure seamless access to suitable buyers & markets for FPO-aggregated/ produced biofuels.

BiofuelCircle provides trade finance options, supporting working capital needs & cash flow management.

Maximize the opportunities presented by the biofuel industry to boost your FPO’s or enterprise’s income and drive sustainable growth.

Explore Biomass Bank solution exclusively designed to create and grow biomass enterprises at the rural level.

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Harnessing Bioenergy is Empowering Rural India

Our Offerings

Rural Enterprises /FPOs

Biomass Bank

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Enabling farmers to create value from Agri residue

An aspiring farmer brings together his fellow farmers from his FPO to combine the simple act of agri residue aggregation with an assured connection to the market through the BiofuelCircle platform. He is now proceeding confidently to acquire a briquetting machine that can generate 200-300 metric tonnes of briquettes every month.

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Biomass brings prosperity to 96 villages of Mathura

Biomass Bank empowers FPOs to expand their enterprise and widen their profit margins. It allows the farmers an entry into the industrial supply chain.

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Grassroots involvement is crucial to sustainable biomass adoption

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Customer Speak

Ajeet Singh

Director, Brijbhoomi Chhata Organic Navakrushak FPO

“I was never excited about biofuels but ever since I’ve used BiofuelCircle platform, I’m very optimistic about this development - we can take the farmers with us, expand the business, and generate employment in the villages. We have tonnes of parali that is leftover on our farms which has now become a big source of income for our farmers.”

Ram Phalke

Director, Panand Agro Farmer Producer Company

“I want to give farmers the share they deserve from their raw material, which will have high industrial demand in the coming years. One way is through aggregation but we don’t want to just stop here - next year, we will start making the briquettes ourselves.”

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