Fueled by Nature,
Powered by Trust!
Envira briquettes have been created to resolve the biggest issue faced by most industries i.e. inconsistency that affects the performance of boilers. Manufactured under benchmarked practices & standard operating conditions to assure specified gcv, ash, & moisture percentage.
The Envira Difference
Get Surety Of Quality
Manufactured as per BiofuelCircle's blue standard verification process.
From raw material to briquetting, testing is done at every stage of production & updated on the platform.
Assured specific GCV, Ash & Moisture percentages.
Get Green Traceability
Sourced from biomass banks - Digital franchise of BiofuelCircle
Region of origin, farm & farmer-level information is updated on the platform.
Leading to authenticated green tokens.
ENVIRA bio-briquettes, available in 3 grades
to meet your energy output needs.
GCV Up to 3400 kcal/kg
Ash ≥ 12%
Moisture ≥ 12%
GCV 3400-3800 kcal/kg
Ash 8-12%
Moisture 8-12%
GCV ≥ 3800 kcal/kg
Ash < 8%
Moisture < 8%